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Rev. Mark Trigsted


A Ruling Elder (RE) in the PCA since 1999, I have loved serving the church. As I was beginning to wind down my secular career in healthcare, the Lord provided an opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream of attending seminary. I graduated with an MDiv. from Reformed Theological Seminary, Dallas in 2021. I have been on the staff at Redeemer since Dec. of 2020 and was ordained as Associate Pastor in August of 2021.

Lisa and I have been married for 28 years and have 5 children and 9 grandchildren.

With my years of experience as a Ruling Elder, and an entire career in the business world, I pray I can be used in a unique way for his kingdom locally here at Redeemer. 

I LOVE teaching and preaching and have an obsession for Reformed theology and church history, (particularly the lives and ministries of Martin Luther and Jonathan Edwards.) For 10 years I ran  JonathanEdwards.com the largest repository of the writings of Edwards available on the internet at the time. I was proud to be asked to edit and modernize a volume of Edwards sermons in the "Classics" series entitled Sinners in The Hands of An Angry God, 12 Sermons of Jonathan Edwards in 2003. The volume has sold well and is still in print after 20 years!

In 2023 I began an intense study of the life and theological significance J. Gresham Machen with particular interest in the 100th Anniversary of his classic apologetic work Christianity & Liberalism. Join our Adult Sunday School Class.

Aside from ministry, I love date nights with Lisa at the Angelika, reading, following my teams - Cowboys (NFL), Giants (MLB), Spurs (EPL), and occaisionally still playing golf. 

My Life Motto - From Erasmus:
“When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.”

Stop by my study anytime to talk life, books, theology, etc...

SermonsFollow me on Twitter or my new BLOG PastorPapa going live in 2024!

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