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All nursery volunteers arrive in their designated rooms by 9:00 a.m. to receive your precious little ones. Parents may sign their children in during the Sunday School hour or the Worship hour. Members and regular attenders must use the ipads located in the hallway by the educational wing to sign in and get security labels. First time visitors will need to check their child in at the door.

All nursery volunteers go through training on nursery procedures.


When dropping children off at the nursery please ensure all of your child’s belongings (i.e., bags, cups, etc.) are clearly labeled with your child’s name on all items.


During the Sunday School hour the two and three-year- old children participate in a Sunday School lesson with their teachers. 

During the Worship hour a different lesson and craft is done and they are given snacks.

At least two volunteers work in each room to ensure proper care for your children. This care includes diaper changes and assistance with restroom needs.

Volunteers rotate in the nursery and we work to make sure there are always workers that have had background checks.

If your child has special needs or allergies please be sure to note this information upon signing in.

Infants       Room 106
Toddlers       Room 104
2-year-olds (often combined with 3-year-olds)       Room 105
3-year-olds       Room 107

Children may begin to assist in the nursery (with adult volunteers) when they are 11 years old.

All nursery volunteers go through training on nursery procedures and all adult volunteers receive a background check in addition to the training.